European Week of Regions & Cities
Brussels 9-12th October 2017

A wide ranging sequence of workshops and event in Brussels, that will attract academics, poiticians and business organisations. We think there are elemental workshops that those of us, working in the social economy, will find useful.
Particularly useful is the opportunity to build new networks of contacts ahead of the social, political and economic schism that awaits us in the UK.
Who should take part?
The European Week of Regions and Cities and its workshops, debates and networking activities are addressed to:
- members of the European Committee of the Regions, members of the European Parliament and national, regional and local politicians;
- European, national, regional and local government officials and experts in the field of managing and evaluating cohesion policy programmes;
- representatives of private companies, financial institutions and European and national associations;
- journalists from European, national, regional and local media outlets;
- researchers, PhD or masters students and practitioners in the field of European regional and urban policy.
The typical participant is from the regional or local administration and new to the event, and is travelling to Brussels specifically for the event.
Discover now the 130 workshops, networking events and project visits organised in Brussels as part the 15th European Week of Regions and Cities!
Under the headline ‘Regions and cities working for a better future’, the programme tackles three main themes:
- Building resilient regions and cities – #LocalResilience
- Regions and cities as change agents – #TakeAction
- Sharing knowledge to deliver results – #SharingKnowledge.
28 partnerships of regions and cities, 14 Directorates-General of the European Commission, several networks, associations and other institutions have partnered up for it. The Opening session takes place on 9th October in the European Parliament.
You can see the registration information and register on-line here.
An example of workshops across the event include:
- The regional dimension of inequality: territorial policy responses in a rapidly changing economic environment
- Territorial cohesion in the ’Brexit era’
- Communities as change agents: local development in the EU beyond 2020
- An alternative for the future: Silver Economy for cities and regions
- Towards an online #cohesionalliance?
- Boosting digital skills for youth employment: a challenge for regions and cities
- Circular Cities: helping cities and regions to implement the circular economy
We look forward to making new friends in Europe and building bridges we can cross in the future.
Image: Creative Commons “brussels” by edward stojakovic is licensed under CC BY 2.0