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Art in Number image: Black Ice, Creative Commons,

Is there art in number?

SquareCirclez Mathematics, learning, computing, travel - and whatever...

  • Math Homework Help: A Guide to the Best AI Math Solver of 2025
    by Casey Allen on December 1, 2024 at 4:20 am

    About a quarter of the average college student's courseload is general education requirements. While these are graduation requirements, they also are usually time-wasters. They're challenging and stressful... but luckily, help is available. If you're looking for quick math homework help, an online AI math solver can bring your grades up quickly and effectively. Read on to The post Math Homework Help: A Guide to the Best AI Math Solver of 2025 first appeared on SquareCirclez. Related posts: 5 Best Free Math Problem Solvers Math problems allow students to learn new concepts and strengthen... My dilemma - ethical math help Is there a difference between paying someone to do... Buyer’s Guide: TI-84 Graphing Calculator Math classes can be daunting. From a young age, I... Curriculum Webs - more homework needed "Weaving the Web into Teaching and Learning" Cunningham, C and...

  • 5 Best Free Math Problem Solvers
    by Casey Allen on June 6, 2023 at 3:43 am

    Math problems allow students to learn new concepts and strengthen problem-solving skills. But many learners feel confused or frustrated if they can’t find the correct solution. A math problem solver is a handy tool that helps students doublecheck their work and identify errors. However, not all math problem solvers are created equal. Here are the The post 5 Best Free Math Problem Solvers first appeared on SquareCirclez. Related posts: Microsoft Math 3.0 Review MS Math 3.0 is a well-designed computer-based math tool.... Free math software downloads Wanting to use some math software but find it’s too... - free online math grapher GraphSketch is a free offering that allows the user to... Context Free math-based art Context Free is software you can use to produce some...

  • Reviewing Six Online Math Tutoring Services - What’s the Best?
    by Hugo Pegley on June 22, 2022 at 4:00 am

    Math is an exciting field of study that can lead to a variety of exciting careers or research projects. But if you're a student having difficulty with the topic, you might be thinking about enrolling in an online math tutoring program.  This is a great way for you to get assistance in a format and The post Reviewing Six Online Math Tutoring Services - What’s the Best? first appeared on SquareCirclez. Related posts: How to Pick A Live Math Chat Tutoring Service If you’re looking for a live math tutor, you are... How Much Does an Online Math Tutor Cost? Across the world, math is the key to understanding many... Online Algebra Math Tutor Many private and public high schools and colleges require students... Best Online Calculus Math Tutor: How to Choose Calculus and math require tremendous background information, practice, and good...

  • Picking the Best Online Precalculus Math Tutor
    by Hugo Pegley on June 22, 2022 at 3:55 am

    Students who want to go on to study math, science, engineering, and other disciplines in college, usually find that their chosen college values some prior knowledge of calculus. An online precalculus math tutor could be the answer. High schools commonly offer precalculus courses in the 11th grade before introducing calculus in the 12th. Precalculus is The post Picking the Best Online Precalculus Math Tutor first appeared on SquareCirclez. Related posts: How Much Does an Online Math Tutor Cost? Across the world, math is the key to understanding many... Best Online Calculus Math Tutor: How to Choose Calculus and math require tremendous background information, practice, and good... Online Algebra Math Tutor Many private and public high schools and colleges require students... Reviewing Six Online Math Tutoring Services - What’s the Best? Math is an exciting field of study that can lead...

  • How Much Does an Online Math Tutor Cost?
    by Hugo Pegley on June 15, 2022 at 4:17 am

    Across the world, math is the key to understanding many complex subject matters. It is also imperative that a student does not fall behind, as math typically builds on previous concepts. So, it is no secret that many typical high school and college students struggle in math classes. Due to this fact, skilled math tutors The post How Much Does an Online Math Tutor Cost? first appeared on SquareCirclez. Related posts: Online Algebra Math Tutor Many private and public high schools and colleges require students... Best Online Calculus Math Tutor: How to Choose Calculus and math require tremendous background information, practice, and good... How to Choose a Math Tutor Are you in need of mathematics support, or do you... How to Pick A Live Math Chat Tutoring Service If you’re looking for a live math tutor, you are...

Recent Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange most recent 30 from

  • Without knowing the algorithm but knowing its input, can we tell something about the output?
    by ivxnw on December 23, 2024 at 7:54 pm

    I was thinking whether algorithms in general are predictable or not, ie. not knowing anything about the algorithm but knowing its input, can we tell something about the output? Imagine a Turing machine with an arbitrary program with an arbitrary number of states. Let its alphabet contain 2 symbols (call it 0 and 1). Let the machine start at a tape with 0 in every cell (or any other given starting sequence) and run its program. If the program halts (or rather halts within some given period of time), we look at all the cells visited by the machine and count how many of them contain 0 and how many contain 1. The question is, if we repeat this process infinitely and count the output for all the programs, on average what fraction of all symbols would be 0 or 1? Would it be equal, ie. half of all symbols are 0 and half are 1, or would some symbol appear more often? If it is impossible to know, how do you prove it? Are there any other ways to think of how predictable algorithms are?

  • Prove this limit problem wrong
    by MathStackexchangeIsMarvellous on December 23, 2024 at 7:52 pm

    $ABC$ is an equilateral triangle. The path $ABC$ is twice as long as $AC$. Similarly the path $ADEFC$ is also twice as long as $AC$, as is the path $AGHIEJKLC$, and so on. Breaking down the jagged path into smaller and smaller jags, the deviation of the jaged path from the straight line $AC$ goes to zero, so, in a sense, the line $AC$ is the "limit" of the sequence of jagged paths. This seems to suggest that the length of $AC$ is twice the length of itself! This is obviously wrong, but why$?$

  • $f(x) = x + 2e^{-a^2/2}(x\cosh(ax) - a\sinh(ax)) \ge 0$ for $0 \le x \le \frac{a}{2}$
    by Just_a_newbie on December 23, 2024 at 7:50 pm

    I am trying to prove that $f(x) = x + 2e^{-a^2/2}(x\cosh(ax) - a\sinh(ax)) \ge 0$ for $0 \le x \le \frac{a}{2}$. From the plots that I have done this seems to be true. However, I have not been able to show this. The first thing that I have tried is finding a lower bounding function $g$ for $f$ on $[0, \frac{a}{2}]$ for which it is clear that $g(x) \ge 0$ on $[0, \frac{a}{2}]$. Since $f(0) = 0$ and $f(\frac{a}{2}) = \frac{3}{2}ae^{-\frac{a^2}{2}} > 0$, I have also tried analyzing the derivative $f'(x) = 1 + 2e^{-\frac{a^2}{2}}(ax\sinh(ax)-(a^2 - 1)\cosh(ax))$ to see whether I would be able to find something. If $0 \le a \le 1$ then $-(a^2 - 1) \ge 0$ and consequently $f'(x) \ge 0$, which implies that $f(x) \ge 0$. However, for $a > 1$ in general, I cannot seem to find the way to show this. Which approach could I take for this proof?

  • Prove that $\exp(A\cdot\nabla)\exp(F\cdot\nabla)\exp(-A\cdot\nabla)=\exp(e^{A\cdot\nabla}F\cdot\nabla e^{-A\cdot\nabla})$
    by Jon Snow on December 23, 2024 at 7:32 pm

    In a book I am reading, the author is stating that the following equation holds for any Lie operator (or any linear operator, more generally): $\exp(A\cdot\nabla)\exp(F\cdot\nabla)\exp(-A\cdot\nabla)=\exp(e^{[A\cdot\nabla,\,\circ]}\,F\cdot\nabla)$, where $[X,\circ]$ is the adjoint of $X$, such that $[X,\circ]\; Y = [X,\,Y] = XY - YX$. One step of this proof is the question in the title, from which we can apply a similarity transform to get to the final expression with $e^{[A\cdot\nabla,\,\circ]}$ in the exponent. I can prove the latter the similarity transform $e^X Y e^{-X} = e^{[X,\circ]}Y$ by constructing functions $U(t)=e^{tX}Ye^{-tX}$ and $V(t)=e^{t[X,\circ]}Y$ and showing their initial values and derivatives agree.

  • Integral with a complex power: is it $0$ or not?
    by Davide Masi on December 23, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    A large section of the book "Complex Analysis with Applications" by Asmar and Grafakos is dedicated to the evaluation of real improper integrals using complex analysis, namely contour integrals. One exercise asks to establish the identity: $$\int_{0}^{+\infty} \frac{x^p}{x(1-x)}dx =\pi \cot(p\pi),$$ for $0<p<1.$ We consider the following complex integral $$\int_{\gamma} \frac{z^p}{z(1-z)}dz$$ where $\gamma$ is the contour suggested by the authors (I hope everything is fine with the copyrights): The idea is to let $R \to +\infty$ and $r \to 0^+$, where $r$ denotes the radius of the small circumferences around the singularities. Let me point out that the dashed line is a branch cut of the logarithm, that is the ray through the origin along which a branch of the logarithm is discontinuous. Thus, I guess the authors here are choosing $$x^p = \exp(p \log_0(x)),$$ where $\log_0(z) := \ln|z| + i \arg_0 z$ and $0 < \arg_0(z) \le 2 \pi$ (not a multivalued function); in general the complex power is a multivalued function, since it is defined as $$z^a := \exp(a \log z),$$ where $\log z = \ln|z| + i \arg z$ and $\arg z = \{\text{Arg}z + 2k \pi: k \in \mathbb{Z}\}$ with $-\pi < \text{Arg} z \le \pi.$ Let us focus on the two semicircles around $1$. Let $\gamma_1$ be the circle around $0$ and follow the direction of the arrow, so that the semicircle around $1$ which is above the $x-$axis will be denoted by $\gamma_3$ and the semicircle around $1$ which is below the $x-$axis will be denoted by $\gamma_7.$ Are the integrals over $\gamma_3$ and $\gamma_7$ zero or not? For example, let me consider $\gamma_3$ only. Reason why I believe the integral over $\gamma_3$ is null: $$\left | \int_{\gamma_3} \frac{z^p}{z(1-z)} dz \right | = \left | \int_{\gamma_3} \frac{1}{z^{1-p}(1-z)} dz \right | \le \int_{\gamma_3}\frac{1}{|z^{1-p}||1-z|} dz = \int_{\gamma_3}\frac{1}{|z|^{1-p}|1-z|} dz \le \int_{\gamma_3}\frac{1}{r^{1-p}(1-r)} dz \le \frac{\pi r}{r^{1-p}(1-r)} = \frac{\pi r^p}{1-r} \xrightarrow{r \to 0^+}0$$ Note: here the tricky steps are $\frac{z}{z^p} = z^{1-p}$ and $|z^{1-p}| = |z|^{1-p}$ for $1-p \not\in \mathbb{Z}$, but they seem to work even as multifunctions, because of the properties of the exponential function. Reason why I believe the integral over $\gamma_3$ is not null: we need a lemma, which is called the "Shrinking Path Lemma" in the book. Suppose that $f$ is a continuous complex-valued function on a closed disk $\overline {B_{r_0}(z_0)}$ with center at $z_0$ and radius $r_0$. For $0<r\le r_0$, let $\sigma_r$ denote the positively oriented circular arc at angle $\alpha$, consisting of all $z=z_0 + r e^{i\theta}$, where $\theta_0 \le \theta \le \theta_0 + \alpha$, $\theta_0$ and $\alpha$ are fixed, and $\alpha \neq 0.$ Then $$\lim_{r \to 0^+} \frac{1}{i\alpha} \int_{\sigma_r} \frac{f(z)}{z-z_0} = f(z_0)$$ We would like to apply this lemma to $f(z):=\frac{z^p}{z}$. Observe that $\log_0(z) = \ln|z| + i \arg_0 z$, $0 < \arg_0(z) \le 2 \pi$ is discontinuous on the positive real axis. Therefore we use the following trick: in the first quadrant $\arg_0(z) = \text{Arg z}$, so $\log_0(z) = \text{Log z}$, which is continuous. Thus $$ \int_{\gamma_3} \frac{z^p}{z(1-z)} dz = -\int_{\gamma_3} \frac{z^p}{z(z-1)} dz = -\int_{\gamma_3} \frac{\exp(p \cdot \text{Log z})}{z(z-1)} dz \xrightarrow{r \to 0^+} i \pi \frac{\exp(p \cdot \text{Log 1})}{1} = i \pi$$ (note the change of sign due to the negative orientation of $\gamma_3$). I know that the substitution $x = e^t$ in the first integral helps overcome most of this trouble, but I would like to understand what is going on. I suspect the trouble lies in the complex power being a multifunction. If this is the case, please explain how to work with it properly.

Surrey Mathematics Research Blog The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

  • Dorje Brody to give public lecture in Brighton on quantum physics and human behaviour in January
    by Tom Bridges on December 19, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Dorje Brody has been invited to give a public lecture, as part of the BRIGHTHINK series, to be held on Wednesday 22 January in the Nightingale Room of the Grand Central Pub, in the city of Brighton in East Sussex (map here). The title of the talk is “Quantum Mind: how quantum physics could help

  • Paul Ryan (Hamburg) awarded EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, hosted by the Quantum Group
    by Tom Bridges on December 17, 2024 at 12:08 pm

    Paul Ryan, currently a Postdoc at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), at the University of Hamburg, has been awarded an EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship for 3 years, beginning September 2025. He will be hosted by the Quantum Group, and working with Alessandro Torrielli and Andrea Prinsloo. Paul received his PhD from Trinity College Dublin under the supervision of

  • Jessica Furber awarded PGR of the year and David Lloyd awarded PhD Supervisor of the year
    by Tom Bridges on December 11, 2024 at 10:33 am

    The School of Mathematics, Physics, and Space had their award ceremony last week (Wednesday 4 December). At the ceremony it was announced that Jessica Furber was awarded School PhD student of the year. Jessica is in her final year of PhD studies; her project is “How do badgers interact with their environment?“, with co-supervisors Gianni

  • Camilla Nobili visits Politecnico di Bari and gives a seminar
    by Tom Bridges on December 4, 2024 at 11:29 am

    Camilla Nobili is visiting Politecnico di Bari, on the southeast coast of Italy this week (4-6 December). Her host for the visit is Prof Giuseppe Maria Coclite. On Friday 6 December she is giving a seminar on “From PDEs to Scaling Laws: Quantitative Analysis on Turbulent Convection“. The photo below shows Camilla during her talk

  • Anne Skeldon interviewed for Linkedin at the Eindhoven Lighting Conference
    by Tom Bridges on December 4, 2024 at 9:23 am

    At the 2024 IEEE Sustainable Smart Lighting Conference in Eindhoven (see blog post here), Anne Skeldon was interviewed by Prof Jean-Paul Linnartz, a Professor at Eindhoven University and one of the organisers of the conference. In the interview Jean-Paul explored how a mathematician proceeds to step back and forth between formal analytical evaluations and solving

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Mathematics – Wolfram Blog News, Views and Insights from Wolfram

  • Learn Complex Analysis Today with Wolfram Language
    by Marco Saragnese on October 15, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    Complex analysis is a versatile tool that is used extensively in science, engineering and other fields. It is also a beautiful topic in and of itself. Hence, a course in complex analysis is a standard part of the curriculum for physics and engineering students and a stepping stone for more advanced topics in mathematics. Wolfram

  • Hypergeometric Functions: From Euler to Appell and Beyond
    by Tigran Ishkhanyan on January 25, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    Hypergeometric series appeared in the mid-seventeenth century; since then, they have played an important role in the development of mathematical and physical theories. Most of the elementary and special functions are members of the large hypergeometric class. Hypergeometric functions have been a part of Wolfram Language since Version 1.0. The following plot shows the implementation

  • Get Down to Business with Finite Mathematics in Wolfram Language
    by John McNally on December 22, 2023 at 3:41 pm

    “There is every reason to expect that the various social sciences will serve as incentives for the development of great new branches of mathematics and that some day the theoretical social scientist will have to know more mathematics than the physicist needs to know today.” —John G. Kemeny, first author of the original textbook on

  • Don’t Be Discreet and Learn Discrete Mathematics with Wolfram Language
    by Marc Vicuna on November 29, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    “The spread of computers and the internet will put jobs in two categories. People who tell computers what to do, and people who are told by computers what to do.” — Marc Andreessen, inventor of the Netscape browser How is data organized in databases? Why are some computer programs faster than others? How can algorithms

  • Learn Multivariable Calculus through Incredible Visualizations with Wolfram Language
    by Tim McDevitt on November 6, 2023 at 3:57 pm

    Multivariable calculus extends calculus concepts to functions of several variables and is an essential tool for modeling and regression analysis in economics, engineering, data science and other fields. Learning multivariable calculus is also the first step toward advanced calculus and follows single-variable calculus courses. Wolfram Language provides world-class functionality for the computation and visualization of

  • Expand Your Understanding of Statistics with Wolfram Language
    by Jamie Peterson on June 6, 2023 at 4:27 pm

    Statistics is the mathematical discipline dealing with all stages of data analysis, from question design and data collection to analyzing and presenting results. It is an important field for analyzing and understanding data from scientific research and industry. Data-driven decisions are a critical part of modern business, allowing companies to use data and computational analyses

  • Stack the Odds in Your Favor and Master Probability with Wolfram Language
    by Marc Vicuna on March 24, 2023 at 3:46 pm

    “I believe that we do not know anything for certain, but everything probably.” —Christiaan Huygens Have you ever wondered how health insurance premiums are calculated or why healthcare is so expensive? Or what led to the financial crisis of 2008? Or whether nuclear power is safe? The answers to these questions require an understanding of

  • Active Learning with Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition
    by Jordan Hasler on January 20, 2023 at 8:16 pm

    As you may know from your own experience (or perhaps from the literature on education), passively receiving information does not lead to new knowledge in the same way that active participation in inquiry leads to new knowledge. Active learning describes instructional methods that engage students in the learning process. Student participation in the classroom typically

  • Wolfram|Alpha Pro Teaches Step-by-Step Arithmetic for All Grade Levels
    by AnneMarie Torresen on August 26, 2022 at 3:12 pm

    In grade school, long arithmetic is considered a foundational math skill. In the past several decades in the United States, long arithmetic has traditionally been introduced between first and fifth grade, and remains crucial for students of all ages. The Common Core State Standards for mathematics indicate that first-grade students should learn how to add

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