Following our recent publication of last year’s review of the Unleashing Potential event, courtesy of Jennifer King FRSA and Sue Hind Wooodward FRSA, we are delighted to find that The University of Hertfordshire are delivering a short course, in May 2015, on the nature of Autistic Spectrum Condition.

‘There will be parent perspectives, including the latest research and publications on new approaches to working with and assisting children with autism. If you are a parent or professional who works with people with autism eg Teacher, Teaching Assistant, SENCO, health and social care workers, this course is for you…’
The short course will take place over two mornings on May 5th and May 12th. Running from 09.30am to 12.30.
You can see more of the course detail on this University web page, including fees.
You can book on-line on the University’s Short Course Booking page here.
Jennifer and Sue’s call to action still holds good. The call for course attendees above at the University of Hertfordshire could be just the impetus needed to help carry forward the good work of the Unleashing Potential conference. Coagulating interest into a new project committee?
Read our original article here. Come on the Fellowship…can we hold another event in the region?